Team Mission Statement:

The Roughriders U16 American AAA hockey team will provide players an environment that will foster the maximum skills and hockey knowledge growth possible.    The coaching staff will place a priority on skills development, character development, and hockey “IQ” development to help these players move on in hockey to whatever the next level for each individual on the team may be.   The coaching staff will demand a high level of execution and effort day in and day out throughout the season to help players attain this maximum growth.  Each player will have the opportunity to work with the coaching staff to set and achieve individual goals throughout the course of the season.   Our primary program objectives for the team include:
  • Training our players to Train at the “AAA” level
  • Training our players to be self-motivated in their training
  • Training our players emotionally and intellectually
  • Training our players to Compete at the “AAA” level
  • Training our players to Win at the “AAA” level
  • Training our players to understand what it takes to move on the next level

Team Structure and Prospect Criteria:

The Roughriders U16 AAA American team will be composed of 18-20 (16-18 Skaters, 2 Goaltenders) of the most talented and driven players available.    Prospective Roughriders must have the following criteria to be considered:  
Personal Attributes:
  1. Strong Character
  2. Passion for the game and desire to improve
  3. Selfless-ness – Team first mentallity
  4. Confidence
  5. Coachable
  6. Extraordinary work ethic
  7. Academic and Social responsibility and accountability
Hockey Attributes:
  1. Strong base of fundamental skills – SKATING!
  2. High level of “Hockey Intelligence”
  3. Athleticism – Eye-Hand and Eye-Foot Coordination, Foot Speed, Power, Body Awareness
  4. Physical Strength – Core Strength!

Your "Team" Attitude:

How you approach the game is a big part to playing on this team. This team will be a competitive environment where players and coaches demand the most from each other everyday.   It is our expectation that this team will be the hardest working team in the RMD.   It requires significant desire and mental toughness to bring this effort every time the team is together.   The team rules will include;


  1. Practices are a priority.   Players are expected to attend all scheduled practices on time and will full participation unless excused by the HEAD COACH
  2. Personal Sacrifices are expected by all team participants.   Players must be willing to put the best interest of the team ahead of their own personal interests.  
  3. Players are expected to maintain a high level of academic achievement throughout the course of the hockey season.   The Roughriders coaching staff will conduct grade checks and will work with individual families to set minimum acceptable levels of achievement in the classroom.  If at any time players fall below these family and coach established guidelines for academics, players may be required to use practice and game time as study hall.
  4. Players are expected to abide by all team rules and the USA Hockey Code of Conduct.   Any actions that are deemed contrary to the best interests of the Rocky Mountain Roughriders organization or the team will be handled with appropriate disciplinary action which may include suspension from team activities up to expulsion from the program.

Team Events, "Team Look", Team Travel:

All players are expected at all team events in a timely fashion. Players will communicate with the coaches and captains when they have a conflict or will be late. Players are expected to be well groomed, no hair outside of their helmet, shaved, look like a student athlete! No hats at any team events. Players will wear athletic attire and gym sneakers to all practices. They will have shorts, a workout shirt, towel and shower bag at all practices and games. Players are expected to be at all games 1:15 prior to the drop of the puck. Players will be told what the appropriate team dress code is for each game throughout the season.   Dress code may include black pants, black shoes, black belt, black dress socks, and a black roughriders shirt.   Players, may on occasion, be required to wear a white shirt with a tie with khakis and dress shoes for certain team events.   Coaches will ask the players to dress in warm up suits for some practices and games.   Coaches will take the necessary disciplinary measures to ensure all players follow the "team look".
We travel to all out of state tournaments as a team, eat as team, travel to and from all games as a team, stay in the same hotel on the same floor as a team. Players will have an itinerary to follow from the time they depart until they return. They will eat 3-5 meals a day.  The coaching staff/chaperones will monitor player food intake, hydration and rest on the road. We will purchase large quantities of water, Gatorade and proper "snacking food" for hockey players. Most teenage athletes are not getting enough fuel in their bodies; we will not let this be an excuse!  There will not be any disciplinary issues on the road or the players involved will be suspended from the team. All players will have a curfew every night we are on the toad. The coaches will need 3-4 parents to assist with each team trip. 

Playing Time:

 Playing time is earned through consistent effort in practice and execution in games.  This may be the first time that certain players on the team have been in an environment with other players that compete at a comparable level.   This may also be the first time that some players are on a team consisting of potentially more than three offensive lines and three sets of defensive pairs.   Players will learn to understand that every player, regardless of who they are playing with or what situation it is in the game has a role to play (a job to do).   We expect U16 AAA Roughriders to savor their time on the ice and perform accordingly.   The coaching staff will train every player in specialty teams situations.  The coaching staff will routinely change line combinations to help generate “chemistry” and to provide opportunity.  The coaching staff is happy to discuss playing time with the players, but we will not discuss playing time with player parents at any time.  

The U16 AAA American Roughrider Coaching Approach

The Roughrider U16 Coaching Staff believes that if players are challenged through competitive yet fun practices and off ice sessions they will demonstrate maximum development.  Challenging the players to achieve in practices helps them have success in games.  The better their skills are, the more enjoyment they will have.
The Roughriders U16 coaching staff will train the players extensively in game tactics.   We will teach players the value of buying in to systematic team play.  We will teach the players multiple forechecks, power plays, breakouts, neutral zone attack and defense schemes and various penalty killing systems.   It is expected that players “Skate Hard, and Think Hard”    We will implement our systems through on ice practices, chalk talk and video analysis.
We will have very high expectations of performance in both practices and games.  We expect our players to put forth a “AAA” effort at all times and we demand that our players execute at a “AAA” level.  We hold players accountable for their performance.
We will meet with each player individually many times over the course of the season to assess progress, and to define short / mid / long term goals.  We will help each player create a game plan to make it to the next level of hockey.
Creating a challenging, healthy and positive, yet constructive, environment is our top priority at all times.  We believe that the coaches must be excellent positive role models at this age level.
Please feel free to contact Jamie at or 970-231-6332 with any questions or concerns.