NCYH Bantam White

By Jen Errett 09/23/2015, 6:00pm MDT

Good morning,
My name is Jen Errett and I will be the team manager for the Bantam White team this season. I will be sending out a few emails over the next couple weeks as we get going on the season and I will use email to communicate throughout the season as well. NCYH provided me with the email addresses that I'm sending to today as they are the ones on file for your player. If you need to add or change an email address for your family please let me know and I will add or change accordingly. Below are a few things to get us started and I will follow up with additional communications as more information is provided to me.
Coach Baker has scheduled a team meeting for next Monday, 9/28 before practice at 4:30pm at NoCo. This meeting is for parents and players. We will discuss the upcoming season, tournaments, volunteer opportunities, etc. Additionally, Coach Baker would like to get the players together after next week's practice in the Eagle's Nest for pizza; hopefully everyone can make it to both of these events.
I have attached two forms that I will need from each player, Code of Conduct and Consent to Treat.  Please complete the forms and return to me via email or bring to Monday's team meeting.
Chip Daly has volunteered to research available tournaments and we will discuss this on Monday at the team meeting.
Please be thinking about ways you can help this season. We will need help with fundraising, community service, and scoreboard and stats for each home game (two people per game).
The team has a page on NCYH's website. This page will have the game schedule, roster and team calendar. Once it is set up and active I will send another email with the link and access to the shared calendar.  I always keep the team calendar current with practice time, games and team activities. Additionally, practice time and home games are on the Ice Schedule at
If you have any immediate questions please let me know otherwise we will see everyone on Monday, 9/28 at 4:30pm.
2 Attachments